Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 Star Living Conditions

So...we are living in the enlisted barracks.  Let's just say I would probably rather live in the Jester dorms at UT.  After buying some bedding at the PX and Swiffer-ing the floors, it turned out pretty cozy.

When we first arrived, Amanda and I described the odor as "urine and cigarette smoke....and broccoli?"  Also, the first rule of thumb is never use the enlisted men's kitchen.  I'm pretty sure I'll get the herp if I try and cook food in there.  Although, someone did try and spruce up the place by leaving a picture of their parents (?) on the counter.

Pro:  We get free laundry
Con:  It's one of the dirtiest rooms I've seen in my life. 

I do appreciate the US Army providing us with free housing for 3 months in Germany.  It's like being in college again.  Amanda and I are sharing a room and the PCO students are next door.  We also have access to the Rec center and food halls on base.  

Currently the barracks are quiet because most of the soliders are out in the field.  I hear it should get pretty interesting once they all get back to post.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Guten Tag!

So after 17 hours of travel including 2 planes, 2 trains, and layovers, I made it to Schweinfurt, Germany to start my fall externship rotation.  Don’t worry, the plane did not crash due to my reading of “The Gospel According to Lost.” 

There was some slight confusion about housing when we arrived (please read Amanda’s blog ( for full details.), so the Quelley’s and I stayed at hotel in downtown Schweinfurt for the night.   

Schweinfurt is a cute, little German town on the north edge of Bavaria.  You know it’s a good European town when the first things you notice are an H&M and a BrauHaus with really good German food and beer. 
Contrary to popular belief, restaurants in Germany do not accept Hungarian Fornit coins from 4 years ago as appropriate currency.  Especially when Hungary is now in the E.U. and uses the Euro.   I will just blame the jet-lag. 
On Thursday, Amanda and I began our orientation at the clinic and got our ID cards, etc. 

We made our first trip to the PX in order to buy bedding and towels.   Due to our superb natural sense of direction, we got lost on the way back to our dorms and proceeded to walk backwards though the Popeye’s drive through with our huge bags while people laughed at us.  

I would write about the pre-WWII clinic and barracks we have, but my computer is about to die.  Auf Wiedersehen! 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Test Post. 

Countdown = 6 days